Python is my go-to language.

You'll find a collection of my programming and machine learning projects here!

Nyan Cat Rainbow Particles

Particle effects using pygame in Python that animates Nyan cat with a rainbow particle trail.

Interactive Data Plotter

Python-based application built using PySimpleGUI and Matplotlib, designed to facilitate the real-time visualization of numeric data inputs.

Predictive Analytics for Diabetes Diagnosis

with K-Nearest Neighbors

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) on Pima Indians Diabetes Database, identifying key patterns of diabetes.

Test accuracy of 77.9% through hyperparameter tuning.

Monster Hunter

An RPG made in Python using pygame that was inspired by Pokemon.

When I find a moment of free time, I will dive into updating my undergraduate research project here.
Price Tracking Scraper

Full-stack project using React and Flask, with Playwright and Bright Data for web scraping, to monitor and track product prices from Amazon.

Flappy Bird

with NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies

Neural networks are evolved to control the in-game bird, improving its performance through generations of learning.